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Interreg Europe 2014-2020

Go back in time with us to see what we did in the previous programming period.

Interregional cooperation has existed for over two decades. The present programme's predecessors were Interreg IIIC (2000-2006), Interreg IVC (2007-2013) and Interreg Europe (2014-2020). To give you a better feel for the 2014-2020 programme we've put together an overview below. Have a look.

Basic facts

Interreg Europe's aim was to help regional and local governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy. This objective has stayed the same for the current programme.

The previous programme had a budget of MEUR 359 from the European Regional Development Fund. The budget funded 258 projects and the policy-learning services offered by the Policy Learning Platform.

Folder folder
Programme 2014-2020
15 documents

Annual implementation reports 2014-2020

Interreg Europe annual implementation reports with citizens' summaries for the programming period 2014-2020.

Updated 24 Aug 2022
By Joint secretariat
Folder folder
Programme 2014-2020
6 documents

Evaluation reports 2014-2020

A set of reports presenting the results of operational and impact evaluations carried out on Interreg Europe programme in 2014-2020.

Updated 03 Nov 2022
By Joint secretariat

Over 2,000 organisations involved in Interreg Europe projects and/ or benefiting from the policy-learning services represented 90% of the regions of 30 countries - the 27 EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Map of regions participating in Interreg Europe projects

Map of regions' representation in Interreg Europe projects approved in 2014-2020

Programme calls

Funding for Interreg Europe projects in 2014-2020 was allocated through four open calls for project proposals and one call for additional activities restricted to previously approved projects.

Each call had an opening and a closing date. Outside of these dates it was not possible to apply for funding for a project proposal. Applications were submitted online through the Interreg Europe online system (iOLF).

Each call had specific terms of reference specifying the maximum amount of funding available, the topics opened for funding or minimum geographical coverage, for example.

Programme achievements

In 2014-2020 programme, the main focus was on supporting the public managing authorities and intermediate bodies in charge of Structural Funds programmes. Their involvement in the cooperation projects and other policy-learning activities was of a strategic importance.

Achievements of our projects

25% of all project partners represented these strategic institutions. This played an important role in influencing many national or regional Structural Funds programmes with good practices shared by partners in their projects. Over MEUR 1,200 have already been mobilised to fund new activities inspired by these good practices.

White wooden hashtag spelling out Results placed on a wooden shelve with a plant behind it

Read about the projects' achievements

Many of the 258 approved projects are still running and delivering results

Our Platform's achievements

Our Policy Learning Platform was launched in 2016. Since then, the Platform's team of experts has provided tailored support and capitalised on the projects' knowledge to the benefit of many public institutions all over the programme area.

Publication entitled 'When Europe cooperates, regions benefit' placed upon a table with hashtag Europe cooperates behind it

30 stories from 30 countries

Read about our latest achievements and discover 30 stories on policy changes from 30 projects in 30 countries.

Close up of web documentary homepage on tablet at Interreg Europe's EU Regions Week stand.

Working together for better solutions

Delve deeper into four project stories. What did they achieve? How did they do it? Where did their inspiration come from?