Unlocking innovation: Regions as laboratories of policy experimentation
On 12 December 2023 from 10:30 to 12:00 CET, the Policy Learning Platform is organising a webinar on unlocking innovation: Regions as laboratories of policy experimentation.
There is a shared consensus that regions must promote transformative innovation policies. Therefore, regions are encouraged to experiment with new policies to promote the green and digital twin transitions.
Policy experimentation involves testing new policies on a small scale, measuring their impact, and learning from the results to scale up successful solutions. This approach has not been widely used in research and innovation policy, hindering Europe’s progress in this area.
The European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation launched the Policy Experimentation project to inform and integrate policy experimentation into EU research and innovation policy-making. It will utilise lessons from experimentation to support policy with evidence and promote experimentation across Europe.
To be more impactful, EU research and innovation policy should embrace policy experimentation more extensively. The project seeks to reverse this trend and ensure evidence-based policy-making.
For this reason, we are organising a webinar with a focus on:
- Introducing how regional policymakers can experiment with new policy solutions
- Exploring how experimental pilots can dynamize regional innovation ecosystems
- Exploring good practices of policy experimentations at the subnational level
- Explore the latest policy findings from policymakers and experts
- Present good practices from selected Interreg Europe projects
What you can expect
- Keynote speech Slavo Radosevic from the University College London on institutionalising experimentation in innovation policy
- Presentation by Jan Trautmann, Digital Innovation Lead, City of Lugano, Switzerland on the Lugano Living Lab
- Presentation by Claudia Fassero, head of EU & International Projects Unit at Metropolitan City of Torino on the Torino Social Impact (ECORIS3)