Image Social RuralYouthFuture Improving the role of youth policies for rural sustainable development Ongoing Labour market and employment
Image Social MILEstone Migrants‘ Integration in Local Economies Ongoing Integration of 3rd country nationals
Image Social NEAR NEw sociAl seRvices: innovative tools and skills for person-centered and community-based social models Ongoing Social inclusion
Image Social CHERRY making Culture tHe N°1 ally of European RecoveRY Ongoing Culture and sustainable tourism
Image Social SECON Social Economy - Regional Policies for supporting Social Economy Enterprises Ongoing Labour market and employment
Image Social SIRM Socio-economic Integration of Refugees and Migrants Ongoing Integration of 3rd country nationals
Image Social WeSTEMEU Women for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics in Europe Ongoing Labour market and employment
Image Social MICROFUTURE Future proof microfinance for social inclusion Ongoing Labour market and employment
Image Social atWork4NEETs Increasing Work Prospects of NEETs through capacity building and improved policy measures Ongoing Labour market and employment
Image 2014 - 2020 RAMSAT Revitalizing Remote And Mountainous areas through Sustainable Alternative Tourism Ongoing Culture and sustainable tourism
Image 2014 - 2020 MOMAr Models of Management for Singular Rural Heritage Ongoing Culture and sustainable tourism
Image 2014 - 2020 Local Flavours Authentic tourism based on local cultural flavours Closed Culture and sustainable tourism
Image 2014 - 2020 Innocastle INNOvating policy instruments for historic CASTLEs, manors and estates Closed Culture and sustainable tourism
Image 2014 - 2020 KEEP ON Effective policies for durable and self-sustainable projects in the cultural heritage sector Closed Culture and sustainable tourism
Image 2014 - 2020 OUR WAY PreservatiOn and promotion of cUltural and natural heRitage through GreenWAYs Closed Culture and sustainable tourism