As a reference programme for European regional policymakers, we support our community of 17 000 members for a fast recovery from the global COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences.
On this page, you will find information about how we can help you and how you can get involved.
Good practices
Our good practice database is full of solutions from across Europe that our Policy Learning Platform experts have validated. We asked our good practice owners to tell us which of their good practices can help regions mitigate the social, economic and environmental effects of the outbreak.
Online thematic activities
Since the start of the pandemic, we have been hosting a series of online events to address the challenges the pandemic has created.
The Policy Learning Platform also hosted a series of webinars and online discussions. Why not contact them and suggest other topics you would like to tackle. Email the Platform
Relive Europe, let's cooperate 2020
On 9 June 2020, we met up for a special online edition of Europe, let’s cooperate. We talked about how working together and sharing solutions between regions can help us face the crisis and speed up recovery.
Get tailored support from our experts
Our team of experts from the Policy Learning Platform is prioritising support and advice to those public authorities dealing with COVID-19 challenges. You can also obtain personalised advice on your regional challenge:
Temporary measures for projects
We are fully aware of the difficulties projects are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason we have put in place several measures to help you. Read about our temporary measures
We have also received many questions from you about different types of eligible costs (staff, administration, travel, etc.). So we have put together a list of answers to your frequently asked questions. Download the list