Interreg Europe representatives in Ukraine are holding an online information event about the opportunities offered by the Interreg Europe programme to beneficiaries in Ukraine on 24 November from 10:30 to 12:30 CET (Kyiv time). Register now.
Representatives of Lower Saxony are holding an online information event about the opportunities offered by the Interreg Europe programme to beneficiaries in Germany on 24 November from 12:00 to 13:30 CET. Register now.
The Smart Specialisation (S3) Forum 2023 takes place in Barcelona on 28 November . The S3 Forum is organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) with the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the S3 Community of Practice (S3 CoP)
On 28 and 29 November 2023, the Policy Learning Platform is hosting a peer review together with the Ministry for Environment, Climate, Mobility, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of Saarland, Germany. During the two-day event we will dive into the topic of on-demand transport in rural areas .
Interreg Europe representatives in North Macedonia are holding an online information event about the opportunities offered by the Interreg Europe programme to beneficiaries in North Macedonia on 6 December from 10:00 to 11:30 CET. Register now.
On 12 December 2023 from 10:30 to 12:00 CET, the Policy Learning Platform is organising a webinar on unlocking innovation: Regions as laboratories of policy experimentation .
The 10th edition of Europe, let's cooperate interregional cooperation forum (#europecooperates) will take place on 20-21 March 2024 in Antwerp, Belgium. Get ready to join us in Antwerp to celebrate cooperation, launch a new call for project proposals and welcome new countries into the Interreg