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Info session for Romanian beneficiaries

24 Oct 2023
Clock 10 : 00 - 14 : 30 CET
Location Hybrid | Bucharest, Romania
By Other

Interreg Europe point of contact in Romania organises an info session about Interreg Europe on 24 October from 11:00 to 15:30 EEST (Romanian time) in Bucharest, Romania and online.

The information session will present funding opportunities offered by the Interreg Europe programme, study cases, and a Q&A session. It will also be possible to interact with the representatives from the Romanian Ministry of Development, discuss project ideas, share experiences in project implementation, and establish contacts with other participants.

During the event, there will be also short presentations of other programmes managed by the Romanian National Authority within the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration - URBACT, Danube Region and HU-SK-RO-UA programmes.

For more information, see the event agenda. You can register by Friday 6 October at the link below for participation in presence.

The event will be in Romanian.
